Tangerine Beauty Crossvine



Botanical Name:  Bignonia capreolata ‘Tangerine Beauty’

Common Name:  ‘Tangerine Beauty’ Crossvine

Description:  The species Bignonia capreolata is a vine native to Florida. ‘Tangerine Beauty’ was discovered growing in a garden in San Antonio, Texas, in the 1980s.

This is a beautiful vine that is fast growing to 15-30′. Grows in sun, part sun, or part shade. Blooms best in lots of sun. Heavy spring bloomer and scattered blooms the rest of the warm season. Gorgeous tangerine colored with a yellow throat, trumpet-shaped, fragrant flowers attract hummers and other pollinators.  This woody vine climbs by branched tendrils with adhesive disks. It gets large, so be sure to have something sturdy for it to grow on: arbor, pergola, very large trellis, fence, up trees, walls, etc. Can also be used as a groundcover. If pruning is needed, do asap after it’s finished blooming. Is semi-evergreen. Leaves turn reddish in winter. Not deer resistant. Brings a tropical look to your garden.

Well to moderately drained soils are best, although it does tolerate brief flooding. Would be good candidate for your rain garden. They  are adapted to a wide range of pH levels and soil types, including sand, silt, or clay. Also drought tolerant once established.

The Native Americans used the species crossvine as a remedy for a number of physical conditions, including diphtheria, edema, headaches, and rheumatism.

This plant in 1-gallon containers is 1-2′ tall, not counting the container.

This plant in 3-gallon containers is 2-3′ tall, not counting the container.

Plant Lore:  Genus name honors of Abbe Jean Paul Bignon (1662-1743), Librarian to Louis XIV. Specific epithet means having tendrils. A cross section of stem reveals a marking resembling the Greek cross, hence the common name. Tangerine Beauty was discovered growing in a garden in San Antonio by Texas horticulturist and garden writer Scott Ogden in the 1980s. It was subsequently named and introduced by the North Carolina State Arboretum in 1993.

Florida Hardiness Zone 8 – 9


Additional information

Container Size

1-gallon, 3-gallon


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